Guinea Pig 101 Questionnaire

GuineaPig101 Questionnaire
Select One
Are you applying to Foster or Adopt from Penny & Wild SOS FL?
Select One
Are you still interested?

Maximum file size: 516MB

* upload a picture of your driver license / Florida ID or email it to
Are you employed?
Select all that apply
5. Guinea pigs should have UNLIMITED access to:
5. Guinea pigs should have UNLIMITED access to:
6. Which of the following pellets ARE recommended for guinea pigs? (select ALL that apply)
6. Which of the following pellets ARE NOT recommended for guinea pigs? (select ALL that apply)
7. Which of the following treats ARE recommended for guinea pigs? (select ALL that apply)
7. Which of the following treats ARE NOT recommended for guinea pigs? (select ALL that apply)
10. How many unspayed female guinea pigs will develop reproductive cancer / cysts by the time they are seniors (4 y/o)?
10. How many unspayed female guinea pigs will develop reproductive cancer / cysts by the time they are seniors (4 y/o)?