Reasons For Denial

Thank you for your interest in adopting a rabbit from our rescue. We understand that being denied can be disappointing and confusing. Our primary concern is the safety and well-being of our rabbits, and we carefully review each application to ensure that every bunny goes to a suitable and loving home. Below are some common reasons why an adoption application might be denied.


A. Picture of Rabbits Outdoor: Taking rabbits outdoors exposes them to numerous dangers including: RHDV, parasites (fleas, lice, ticks, mites, bot flies, fly strike), predators, pesticides, toxic plants, and stress.

Rabbits can overheat at temperatures as low as 76-78 degrees. Long haired and lop breeds are particularly susceptible to overheating. Lop breeds are also at are also prone to ear infections in humid conditions

B. Use of Harnesses of Collars: Often in combination with being outdoors. Use of harnesses and collars for rabbits can lead to serious injuries including paralysis and strangulation. Rabbits have fragile spines and strong leg muscles designed to escape predators. Wearing harnesses or collars can be stressful, and sudden movements can cause spinal injuries. Breakaway collars require 2.5kg of force to break, this is more force than it would take to break a rabbit’s trachea.

C. Bathing Rabbits: Bathing rabbits can cause shock, hypothermia, or respiratory infections, and can be fatal. Rabbits should never be bathed unless under the direction of a veterinarian to perform a “butt bath”.

D. Trancing Rabbits: Inducing tonic immobility by holding rabbits on their back is extremely stressful for them. In nature, rabbits only experience this position when being attacked by predators. It is a state of extreme fear, not relaxation.

  1. Trancing Rabbits: Inducing tonic immobility by holding rabbits on their back is extremely stressful for them. In nature, rabbits only experience this position when being attacked by predators. It is a state of extreme fear, not relaxation.
  2. Safety Issues – Lack of Bunny Proofing: The room where the rabbits enclosure is must be rabbit proofed and free from potential hazards. Common hazards include exposed wires or electrical cables, house plants, or plug-in air fresheners.

Housing Requirements Not Met

  1. Indoor Living Only: Our adoption agreement requires that rabbits be house and kept indoors ONLY. Outdoor enclosures are not suitable due to the risks mentioned above. Rabbits should have a minimum 4ft x 4ft, 16sq ft living space when enclosed with a large area rug. Hard floors are not recommended for rabbits.
  2. No Cage/Hutches: Cages and hutches do not provide enough space for a rabbit’s physical and mental well-being. We require a large pen setup or preferably free roaming. Rabbits can break the bones in their feet if th

C. Insufficient Knowledge or Preparedness

  1. Lack of Understanding of Rabbit Care:
    • Description: Adopters must demonstrate a good understanding of rabbit care, behavior, and health needs.
    • Details: Applications showing a lack of knowledge about rabbit nutrition, health, and environmental needs may be denied.
  2. Unwillingness to Meet Specific Care Requirements:
    • Description: Adopters must be willing to follow our guidelines for rabbit care.
    • Details: If an applicant is not willing to adhere to specific care requirements, such as diet or veterinary care, the application may be denied.

D. Previous Pet Care History

  1. History of Neglect or Mistreatment:
    • Description: We review applicants’ history with previous pets.
    • Details: Any history of neglect or mistreatment of animals will result in denial of the application.
  2. Inadequate Veterinary Care:
    • Description: Proper veterinary care is crucial for a rabbit’s health.
    • Details: A lack of regular veterinary care for previous pets can indicate that the applicant may not provide adequate care for a rabbit.