We are 100% foster home and donations based.

By fostering a rabbit or guinea pig, you are not only saving one smalls life, you are also opening up a space for us to save another!

Please use as the primary form of non-urgent communication (general questions) and the forms below to notifying of travel dates / needing a temp foster, submitting community service forms, requesting supplies. This is so that we can easily reference anything in the future. These are also monitored by multiple volunteers so you will likely get a response sooner!

Foster Agreement (PLEASE READ)

• I understand that any animal(s) fostered by me are the property of Penny & Wild: Smalls of South Florida Animal Rescue (hereinafter referred to as Penny & Wild) and I agree to return them to Penny & Wild immediately upon request. If I refuse to return the animal(s), Penny & Wild reserves the right to impound them as legal owner of the animal(s).

• I understand that I do not have the right to keep, adopt, transfer, or place my foster animal(s) in other homes or with other individuals and I agree to return the animal(s) to Penny & Wild if I am no longer able to provide the care outlined in the Care-guide that was provided to me. If I would like to adopt my foster I will need to apply to adopt and pay the adoption fee.

• I certify that no person residing in the household where the animal(s) will be fostered has ever been charged with or convicted of animal cruelty, neglect, or abandonment.

• I agree that my foster animal(s) will be housed and kept INDOORS ONLY and will not be allowed outdoors at any time.

• I agree to provide the animal(s) not only shelter but loving care, including at a minimum:

(Rabbits) (1) adequate food and water as outlined in the Care-guide that was provided to me; (2) 4FT x 4FT living space when enclosed that is clean, well-lit, with AC; (3) 3 – 4hrs per day of supervised “free-roam” time to exercise in a “bunny proofed” area.

(Guinea Pigs) (1) adequate food and water as outlined in the Care-guide that was provided to me; (2) 2FT x 4FT living space that is clean, well-lit, with AC.

• I agree to litter box train and provide daily socialization with the foster animal(s) daily to make sure they are ready to be adopted as explained to me by Penny & Wild.

• PROGRESS REPORTS: I agree to submit weekly / monthly progress report to Penny&Wild SOS FL.

• TRANSPORTING: I understand that I will need to bring the animal(s) fostered by me to vet exams, spay/neuter surgery, nail trims, weight checks, Meet&Greets, or other reasons deemed necessary by Penny & Wild at an agreed-upon date and time.

• VETERINARY CARE: I understand that all veterinary care must be authorized in advance by Penny & Wild with one of their approved veterinarians. I agree to personally incur the cost for any treatment that has not been pre-authorized. I understand that any supplies or medications provided by Penny & Wild are for the foster animal(s) only and are not to be administered to any other animals. I understand that Penny & Wild will take every precaution to ensure that the animal(s) I foster are reasonably healthy and all known health problems will be disclosed to me prior to my taking the animal(s) into my home.

• CHILDREN: I agree to supervise and be responsible for any children handling any animal(s) fostered by me in a safe and hygienic manner, and will not hold Penny & Wild responsible for any injuries that may result from my failure to do so.

• PETS: I agree to keep my foster animal(s) separate from my own pets, and understand that the possibility of foster animal(s) fighting, injuring, or spreading illness to my own pets exists if I allow them to interact. I understand that if I choose to allow my foster animals and my own pets to have access to each other, I do so at my own risk, and will not hold Penny & Wild liable for any illness or injury that may occur to my own pet(s).

• DAMAGES: I agree to “bunny proof” the room / area where my foster will be housed and hold Penny&Wild SOS FL harmless from any direct or consequential damages arising out of fostering the animal(s).

• COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS: I agree to foster for a minimum term of 4 months. Service hours will only be granted at the completion of the minimum term. If I return an animal(s) before the minimum term or break any other terms of this Foster Agreement I will be denied service hours.

(Rabbits) I understand that I will be receiving 15hrs per week for a single rabbit or 20hrs per week for a pair if approved.

(Guinea Pigs) I understand that I will be receiving 20hrs per week for a pair of guinea pigs or 25hrs per week for a trio if approved.

• SUPPLIES: Fosters will be provided a “starter pack” of supplies including (see below.) Hard Supplies (x-pen, cage, carrier, litter box) need to be returned undamaged and in the same condition as received. Damaged supplies (chewed carriers, not maintained litter boxes, etc.) will need to be reimbursed.

(Rabbit) X-pen, hard carrier, litter box, litter, hay, and pellets.

(Guinea Pig) Cage, hard carrier, litter, hay, and pellets.

Progress Report

Foster Progress Report




Select One
Are you fostering through our Foster to Adopt program?
Are you still interested in adopting?
Is your foster eating, drinking, pooping and peeing normally?
Have you observed any of the following?
How much time is your foster spending free roaming per day?

* type “N/A” if unknown.

Maximum file size: 100MB

* entire enclosure and litterbox area should be visible. Include multiple pictures if litterbox is enclosed or covered.

Maximum file size: 100MB

*this should include: hay, litter, pellets, and all treats and/or supplements.

Maximum file size: 250MB

Maximum file size: 250MB

Are you able to upload pictures?

* specify ages of children and how they react / interact with children or pets. Type “N/A” if unknown.
How well is the rabbit using their litterbox?
How “active” is the animal that you are fostering?
How “social” is the animal that you are fostering?
How easy are they to pet, handle / pick up?

Select all that apply:
Are you interested in fostering again?
Select all that apply:
Select all that apply:
Are you interested in helping out in other ways?
Let us know what you would like to help with:

Request Supplies

Please use the form below to request supplies or to submit pre-approved receipts* for reimbursement. *Receipts should be submitted within 1 week of purchase.

Owner and Finder Fosters are expected to purchase their own supplies or can apply for a “Sponsor.” Contact your foster coordinator if you are not able to afford supplies.

Foster Request Supplies




What supplies do you need?
Select pickup location or delivery





Community Service Hours

  • Rabbits
    • Single 15hrs / week
    • Pair 20hrs / week


  • Guinea Pigs
    • Pair 20hrs / week
    • Trio 25hrs / week


Minimum term: 4 months. Service hours will only be granted at the completion of the minimum term. If an animal is returned before the minimum term or any other terms of the Foster Agreement are broken fosters may be denied service hours.

Email: to submit forms. Forms need to be filled out to be signed (student name, student ID, school name, dates / hours).

Bio Template

(1) Foster Name is a spayed/neutered, “age”, “weight”, “breed” mix. S/he is litter box trained and her/his foster describes her/his as (3 – 4 best adjectives that describe her).
(2) Past: S/he was rescued in “month, year” when (2-5 sentences about how / where they came from and why you decided to save her/him.)
(3) Present: favorite food and/or toy to play with. How do they interact with your family. What kind of family do you think would be their ‘ideal furever family?’ Do they spend a lot of time playing, digging, running around, napping, etc? What do they do that might be unique or endearing or makes you laugh?

Social Media Questionnaire

Submit this questionnaire to help us promote your foster rabbit on our social media channels.  We can sometimes receive up to 3 applications for featuring a bunny with good pictures and bio!

Foster Tails




Select One

Tell us when and where you found them and what made you decide to rescue them.

Put “N/A” if unknown
How easy are they to pet, handle / pick up?

1 – “Very shy” never comes out of hidey house; fights and scratches if you try to pick them up.
2 – “Shy” runs away, hides most of the time, easily startled; does not take food from hands or approach.
3 – “Selectively social” allows some petting, approaches for treats, doesn’t like to be picked up but can be handled.
4 – “Friendly” will lay stretched out, approaches confidently and engages, possible to pick up and handle.
5 – Extremely friendly & social, prefers to be around people, follows you around, demands pets.

1 – High energy: runs and jumps around a lot, frequent zoomies, binkies and/or popcorning.
2 – Medium energy: easy going, social, spends equal time running around and loafing.
3 – Low energy: lazy, prefers to Netflix & nap.

1 – Poor, rarely uses the litterbox.
2 – Sometimes uses the litterbox but also poops and pees outside of the litterbox.
3 – Fair, pees in the litterbox but sometimes poops outside of the litterbox.
4 – Very good, always pees in the litterbox, mostly poops in the litterbox but misses 10-15 poops per day which are usually close to the litterbox.
5 – Uses the litterbox perfectly.

Maximum file size: 10MB

Maximum file size: 10MB

Maximum file size: 10MB

Maximum file size: 10MB

Maximum file size: 10MB

Maximum file size: 10MB

Maximum file size: 10MB

Maximum file size: 10MB

Need help with pictures? Schedule a photoshoot in Miami Beach, North Miami Beach, or Deerfield Beach.

Monthly Weight / Nail Trim / Photoshoot Day (in person)


Monthly Foster Social and Q&A (via Zoom)

